Polacy pod szwabskim butem. Czy polscy ojcowie też się sprzedadzą?

W ubiegłym tygodniu Trybunał Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej wydał orzeczenie, którym pozbawił prawa do procesu w Polsce polskiego więźnia niemieckiego obozu zagłady. Decyzja unijnego Trybunału to policzek dla nielicznych żyjących jeszcze Ocalałych. Teraz prawdy o niemieckiej winie za ludobójcze zbrodnie musieliby dochodzić przed niemieckim sądem, opłacając niemieckich prawników i prosząc o ochronę prawną potomków sprawców swej krzywdy. Decyzja TSUE oznacza więc ograniczenie jednej z najważniejszych gwarancji tworzących zasadę praworządności – skutecznego prawa do sądu.

I choć wyrok Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej zaskoczył wielu europejskich prawników, to my już kilka miesięcy temu przewidzieliśmy, że możliwość dochodzenia ochrony dóbr osobistych przed polskimi sądami będzie systematycznie ograniczana. Dlatego uruchamiając „Program ochrony dobrego imienia Polski i Polaków” zdecydowaliśmy się sięgnąć po szczególne i niestosowane dotychczas przepisy ustawy o Instytucie Pamięci Narodowej, które wprost przyznają polskim sądom właściwość w sprawach obrony dobrego imienia Polski i Narodu Polskiego.

Nie tylko znaleźliśmy sposób, by pomimo wyroku TSUE prowadzić procesy przed polskimi sądami, ale ufając we wsparcie naszych Darczyńców planujemy dalszy rozwój „Programu ochrony dobrego imienia Polski i Polaków”. W najbliższych tygodniach uruchomimy specjalną stronę, pozwalającą w łatwy sposób zgłaszać kłamstwa i oszczerstwa dotykające naszej Ojczyzny i Narodu. Powstaniu strony towarzyszyć będzie budowa społeczności internautów gotowych do weryfikowania nieprawdziwych treści i zgłaszania naruszeń regulaminów serwisów społecznościowych takich jak Facebook czy YouTube. Całość uzupełnią oczywiście działania procesowe naszych prawników.

Zwrot w prawie unijnym nie przeszkadza nam zatem w pozwaniu brytyjskiego dziennika „Daily Mail”, który pisał o „polskim obozie śmierci” w Sobiborze, francuskiego portalu „France Culture” piszącego o „odpowiedzialności Polski za zbrodnie Trzeciej Rzeszy” oraz duńskiego dziennika „Berlingske” za twierdzenie, że polski rząd „pomagał nazistom” w eksterminacji Żydów.

Nie zapominamy także o innych manipulacjach szkalujących Polskę. Interweniujemy w przypadkach rozpowszechniania kłamstw na temat rzekomego prześladowania w naszym kraju osób o skłonnościach homoseksualnych. Fałszywe informacje o rzekomym istnieniu w Polsce „stref wolnych od LGBT” trafiają na podatny grunt i były już powtarzane nie tylko na forum Parlamentu Europejskiego, ale także przez liczne media zagraniczne, a nawet przez obecnego prezydenta USA Joe Bidena. Dlatego za powielanie kłamstw na ten temat przed sądem będzie musiała odpowiedzieć europoseł Sylwia Spurek oraz poseł Małgorzata Prokop-Paczkowska, która porównywała sytuację osób o skłonnościach homoseksualnych w Polsce do prześladowań Żydów w trakcie II wojny światowej.

Istotnym elementem walki o dobre imię Polski jest także obrona społeczności gmin i powiatów, które przyjęły Samorządową Kartę Praw Rodzin. Przygotowany przez ekspertów Ordo Iuris dokument nie wspomina nawet słowem o ruchu politycznym LGBT, a mimo to podpisujące je samorządy były pomawiane o szerzenie nienawiści. W imieniu oczernianych władz lokalnych skierowaliśmy już sześć pozwów wobec autorów „Atlasu nienawiści”, którzy odpowiadają za rozpowszechnianie kłamstw na temat prorodzinnych samorządów. Sądy w dwóch sprawach uznały już nasze żądania za uprawdopodobnione i udzieliły zabezpieczenia, nakazując autorom „Atlasu nienawiści” zamieszczenie na stronie widocznej informacji o toczącym się postępowaniu. Nasze wsparcie prawne dla samorządów doprowadziło także do formalnego uznania przez Norwegię, że przyjęcie SKPR nie może blokować dostępu gminy Wilamowice do 7,5 mln zł z tzw. funduszy norweskich.

Ochrona dobrego imienia Polski i Polaków z każdym miesiącem staje się bardziej palącym i pilnym zadaniem. Widzimy wyraźnie, że każde oszczerstwo musi zostać skontrowane systematyczną reakcją prawną, bo tylko prawo może powstrzymać potężną siłę powielających kłamstwa mediów, aktywistów i polityków.

Niekorzystny wyrok Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej z pewnością ośmieli kłamców historycznych, którzy celowo pomawiają Polskę o zbrodnie III Rzeszy. Nasz program może być w tej sytuacji ostatnią nadzieją na zwycięstwo prawdy historycznej i sprawiedliwości. Wierzę, że z Waszą pomocą pomożemy jednak prawdzie zwyciężyć.

WIĘCEJ NA: https://ordoiuris.pl/

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47 Replies to “Polacy pod szwabskim butem. Czy polscy ojcowie też się sprzedadzą?”

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  8. However that mentioned, supersets will only work if you’re still pushing your muscle tissue near failure every set. First off, research has proven that the nearer you train to failure, the more development you’ll get but also the more fatigue you’ll create. Nonetheless, if you will go with this minimal quantity, there are three issues you should begin applying to your exercises to proceed making almost as much or possibly much more gains than you have been earlier than. This estimate is based on the ~3500 energy in one pound of fat.
    In short, to advertise muscle growth you should eat extra calories and protein, prepare your muscular tissues, and permit time for recovery and rebuilding of tissue—eat, lift and relaxation. It works by increasing your ATP manufacturing, which provides your muscles with extra energy. This additional vitality lets you squeeze out a few further reps, resulting in an increase in strength and muscle mass over time. If you’re trying to pack on mass on a plant-based food plan, this vegan mass gainer from Protein Works is a quality option. It consists of 53g of protein derived from pea, brown rice and soy proteins – great for supporting muscle restoration whereas additionally upping your calorie intake. However oftentimes when somebody says they don’t have any urge for food or a small appetite, they are just not used to eating sufficient which turns into their norm and so they don’t usually give in to the starvation pangs. Nevertheless, people who require additional protein and energy to build muscle during intense coaching could discover mass gainers helpful.
    How you construction your training, your selection of workouts, your diet, your restoration methods, and your psychological attitude all play important roles in your quest to pack on the lean muscle mass. Periodization is a training precept that places you thru totally different training phases. For example, part I may concentrate on energy, phase II might focus on strength training, and part III could focus on hypertrophy. Every part is usually a number of weeks long and permits for a wide selection of movements, reps, sets, and exercise protocols so that your body by no means adapts and keeps growing. Pump coaching is outlined as high-volume coaching which causes sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, an increase in sarcoplasmic fluid in your cells. To build muscle, you should place sufficient stress on your muscle tissue to drive them to adapt; and lifting weights is the proper answer.
    You ought to devour as much as 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight every day. Consuming every three hours will help ensure you’re absorbing and assimilating enough protein to help muscle growth. As it seems, nearly any sort of energy training can result in muscle progress, since hypertrophy is the result of mechanical pressure. Nonetheless, your focus ought to be on training quantity or „time under pressure” somewhat than how heavy you are lifting. The longer and more typically you can stress your muscle tissue, the simpler your hypertrophy coaching is.
    Your food regimen is the second half of the muscle-building equation. All the load training on the planet won’t yield outcomes should you don’t supply your body with the vitamins it must grow new muscle tissue. While many types of exercise supply well being advantages, the one dependable way to drive muscle progress is to make use of your muscle tissue against moderate to heavy resistance. In addition, muscle development is restricted to the muscular tissues getting used. If you are not comfortable in a fitness center or using added weights, even your body weight can act as resistance. Embody workout routines like wall squats, body-weight squats, planks, pushups and lunges to get a full-body resistance workout that you can do from the consolation of your individual residence and with none gear.
    Analysis claims that when you’re coaching for power you want your rest intervals between 3-5 minutes between sets, however shortening your rest periods to seconds is simpler for muscle dimension (18). Low volume coaching is excellent for building muscle if you begin out. However, once you’re an advanced lifter, rising your quantity is imperative to get past any plateaus.
    Every serving packs a punch with 50g of protein from three sources, 1300 calories from complex carbs, and the added advantages of Creatine Monohydrate, all with no trace of added sugar. This Halal-certified formula is low in lactose and incorporates digestive support for a holistic strategy to muscle building. There is a standard myth that individuals can’t bulk up or gain weight without eating meat.
    Be sure to skip the blended, flavored yogurts, although, as they usually have excessive quantities of added sugar that would negate the potential well being benefits. L-Arginine, an amino acid typically marketed as nitric oxide, has restricted analysis however could act as an ergogenic aid. Taking arginine is thought to spice up feelings of endurance and enhance stamina by serving to to deliver vitamins to muscular tissues (87).
    So if you’re curling 80 pounds, yet you’re using momentum, your thighs and your back to get the burden up, your target muscle isn’t going to be impressed. This will hold the stress on the pecs throughout the entire motion. Keeping your relaxation time to a minute will be certain that your overall intensity for this train ramps up like a staircase impact. That should be your 10 reps max, so that you simply can not do an 11th rep without your form breaking down.
    Now, we’re not saying to eat pizzas and ice cream every day however don’t be afraid to add some seasonings, sauces, and other options to make your foods more palatable. But at the identical time, you don’t need to overdo it and unless you’re underweight, we don’t suggest gaining any greater than a pound every week for the purpose of bulking or gaining weight in general. This won’t solely cause excess fats acquire but any more than this isn’t typically the most effective approach for maintaining total health either. That Means that if you’re struggling to eat sufficient energy, you’ll wish to reduce your protein consumption relative to your carb and fats consumption. The N8 Mass Gainer is tailored for ladies, offering a convenient resolution with individually packaged sachets for hassle-free consumption.
    Are bloated mass gainers causing you gastrointestinal problems? Decide for Naked Mass, which is as simple and clean as a mass gainer can get. With just three elements (maltodextrin, whey protein, and casein) it’s the best in your stomach when you don’t thoughts the mild unflavored taste. If you’re an energetic particular person making an attempt to achieve muscle, zero.6 to 0.9 grams (g) of protein per pound (lb) of body weight, or 1.four to 2.zero g per kilogram (kg) of body weight, could also be best. Both method, you have to continue to problem your self to see continued progress over time. „Utilizing a program that implements some kind of progressive overload to continue to construct and problem your muscle tissue for development is key,” says Smith. This means less cardio, HIIT and circuit-style coaching and more of a give consideration to heavy lifting workouts.
    They might assist develop a resistance training program for you and present you the proper strategies for each exercise. A multiple-joint method benefits training for hypertrophy or power. This means your routine ought to include exercises that contain a quantity of muscle groups and joints in a single motion, generally identified as compound workouts.
    The meal plan on the following pages gives a information to explicit meals portions that may get you to these gram targets. Dietary fats must be as low as possible, aside from wholesome fats (from nuts, olive oil, fatty fish), which can quantity to 5-10g per meal. Gaining weight can typically be one of the biggest challenges for some.
    Operating a 5-day workout routine has many benefits if you do it correctly. Right Here are some reasons this could presumably be the best program you ever run. And keep in mind, don’t overcomplicate the process of gaining mass! Just stick to those fundamentals and visualize yourself making gains. Anybody with well being situations who could expertise worsening signs with further sugar of their food plan need to contact a healthcare professional earlier than shopping for supplements. Loop a thick towel round a barbell ensuring your arms are  nonetheless capable of utterly close whenever you grasp it. Holding the bar with an overhand, shoulder width grip, place the bar in entrance of your thighs.
    Nuts and seeds also have fiber, nutritional vitamins and minerals that help most of the physique’s techniques. Analysis has indicated that due to the optimal digestibility and ability of the physique the amino acids in yogurt, it’s a good supply of high-quality protein to assist enhance muscle mass. Full of protein and gut-healthy probiotics, nonfat plain Greek yogurt is an excellent choice for these looking to keep or build muscle and scale back body fat.
    Compound workouts provide the greatest bang in your buck, so to talk. This is why they’re to be performed initially of your workouts. The first exercise you do for any muscle must be a compound exercise. The downside is that everytime you see considered one of your buddies making an attempt to realize mass additionally they gain too much fats to go together with it.
    You store key nutrients in your muscles, including glycogen (primarily from carbs). And having extra muscle typically means you’ll be able to process more dietary carbs effectively and utilize your calories better. Attain your full muscle-building potential with this free meal prep toolkit. Save money and time in your meal prep, and maximize features with this simple step-by-step guide.
    Lowering exercise and rising rest will result in less calorie expenditure, serving to the body get well from intense workouts. „Good fat,” otherwise known as unsaturated fats, aid in hormonal production and regulation, growing testosterone ranges (3). Fat is also very calorie-dense, growing the likelihood of eating in a caloric surplus. Use unfavorable reps. This is when a coaching associate takes the weight during the positive/concentric section of the repetition, whereas the trainer takes the complete load on the negative/eccentric part.
    What we can study from this research, is that spreading out your protein intake throughout the day, and timing it round coaching wants, is likely an efficient approach to supporting extra MPS. And if you’re only eating a number of instances a day or much less, you may be limiting your self. Pre and post-workout diet is dependent on if you finish up training.
    ‚Mainly the other of what you’d advise for weight loss,’ provides Lennon. Like maintaining a optimistic mindset, setting targets is like having a roadmap to Gainsville. Goals give you direction; each achievement on the greatest way is type of a checkpoint, keeping you on track. First off, think of using correct type as your insurance coverage. Power coaching is a very safe type of exercise, but sloppy kind can nonetheless result in strains, sprains, or much more extreme accidents. In addition, your exercise log allows you to rejoice these small wins – like including five more pounds to your lift or squeezing out an additional rep. These victories add up and maintain you hungry for extra.
    Protein consumption stays the identical on each days (almost 2g per pound of body weight, roughly 330g in our sample meal plan), so the drop in carbs also means a much-needed drop in energy. On exercise days you want about calories per pound of bodyweight, but on rest days you require only about energy per pound. Swapping these days will spur muscle growth without seeing your midsection grow as nicely. To successfully gain muscle mass, it’s crucial to know tips on how to correctly use mass gainer. These dietary supplements can boost your calorie consumption, help muscle progress, and enhance recovery.
    Mass gainers are ‚primarily simply powdered meals’, so when used correctly, yes, they are healthy. While that’s true, drop units benefit from what’s generally identified as „effective reps”. Mainly, it looks as if some muscle tissue might respond better to workout routines that challenge them essentially the most when they’re in a stretched position. But what’s interesting is that the 5-9 set group still skilled about 80% of the max features, and the 1-5 set group about 60% of it.

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